In an increasingly connected world children are spending more and more time online, both at school and at home. A concern of parents is that their children are safe when they use the internet or any of the many tools available for online access.
At Malden Manor Primary School we teach the topic of e-safety thoroughly to ensure that our children are fully equipped to protect themselves when online. To help protect children at school our internet is filtered by LGfL. We also encourage parents/guardians to set up filtering on their home networks. For guidance on how to do this click below:
In computing lessons children are taught specific e-safety skills. They learn how to behave appropriately online in a manner that helps to protect themselves from any dangers. Children also learn how to respond to anything online that does worry or upset them.
The school also participates in Safer Internet Day each year and is visited by specialists such as Peter Cowley (Kingston and Richmond Online Safety Adviser) who has shared his expertise with both staff, pupils and parents.
Our children know to report any inappropriate content, contact or conduct they encounter online to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) by visiting this page and clicking our report link below or the quick link on the homepage.
CEOP also has a great website of information on e-safety for parents. Please click the link below to visit the page.
The NSPCC has lots of good advice too. Please click here to visit the page.
With gaming being a big part of children’s lives now, and much of that being played online - often with strangers, it is more important than ever to be aware of the suitability of games and how to set up parental controls on consoles. The ‘ask about games’ website provides resources that allow families to enjoy gaming together as safely as possible.
As the children get older common issues relate to the use of What’s App and TikTok. Here are the advice cards for parents
Link to TikTok advice
Link to What's app advice
The school has a combined computing, social media and acceptable use policy which can be viewed here.