At Malden Manor we believe that school uniform is important in creating a sense of community and belonging. It helps children to understand that they are here to learn and have rights and responsibilities for themselves and for each other.
Embroidered items such as jumpers, cardigans, book bags and PE bags are available to purchase online at:
www.myclothing.com and https://www.schoolwearinc.co.uk/school/malden-manor-primary-school/
Items from Schoolwear Inc. can be purchased instore or online - Click here for the Price List
The contact details for Schoolwear Inc. are:
198-202 Cheam Common Road
Worcester Park
Tel:020 3051 7488 or 07951 442 734
Email: sales@schoolwearinc.co.uk
Ties will be available to buy via the school office. The cost of ties will be £2.00 - ties are required for Years 3 - 6.
Any child who does not come to school in the correct uniform will be referred to the school office, where they will be provided with a loan item. This includes those pupils who do not come into school wearing the correct footwear. The office will contact you either by text message or letter to advise when this has happened. All items must be returned to the Office in good order.
School Uniform
The only branded item children are expected to have is the school jumper/ cardigan. The rest of the uniform can be purchased from all major retailers.
Nursery and Twinkle Twos
- Navy jogging bottoms
- A navy school logo sweatshirt or cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Sensible footwear with Velcro fastenings
Reception to Year 6 Uniform
- V neck Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
- White collared long / short sleeved shirt with red tie (Autumn/Spring) Years 3 – 6
- White polo shirt (Summer term only) Years 3 – 6
- White polo shirt all year round - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
- Navy trousers/skirt/pinafore/culottes/shorts
- Navy gingham summer dress (Summer term only)
- Red tights for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and Navy tights for Years 3 to 6
- Navy or Black socks (white socks can be worn with the Summer dress)
- Sunhat with logo
- Shoes plain, flat black shoes (not boots or trainers) with strap over the top of the foot, fastened by either Velcro or a buckle
- Navy book bag or backpack with logo
PE Uniform
- Plain red t shirt
- Plain navy shorts
- Navy or black socks
- Trainers
- PE bag – navy blue with logo
Pre-loved Uniform
‘Our PTA runs a ‘pre-loved school uniform and PE kit’ service. This is a great way to:
- recycle
- provide an affordable uniform service
- raise much needed extra funds for the school
A sale of pre-loved uniform and PE kit is held every half term, via the Malden Manor Primary PTA Facebook page. All items are £1 each, which adds to funds raised by the PTA for spending on our school. For more details of the PTA, including how to join the Facebook page, click on the link on the right.
We collect donations of good quality (no tears or stains, for example) pre-loved uniform and PE kit items every other half term or thereabouts.
If you require any pre-loved school uniform or PE kit items outside the times of the Facebook sales, please contact the PTA at maldenmanorpta@hotmail.co.uk who can arrange for a member of the pre-loved school uniform team to look for what you need (availability depends on what is in stock from the donations we receive).’
Special Events – Children representing the school
White collared long/short sleeved shirt and red school tie, v neck sweatshirt/cardigan with logo, navy skirt or trousers, navy tights or long white socks with black shoes. Navy Alice band or navy headscarf if worn.
Personal Appearance
- Hairbands and Alice bands should be navy or navy gingham. Long hair MUST be tied up daily.
- For religious reasons only, headscarves can be worn in navy or black and girls may wear navy tights / leggings under their summer dresses.
- Earrings - one small plain stud per ear (no gem stones). Studs must be removed by children for PE or covered with a plaster, staff cannot do this.
- Coat - suitable warm, practical coat required for wet/cold weather.