Special Educational Needs
At Malden Manor School we recognise that many children will, at some point in their school life, have a specific educational, emotional or physical need which requires additional support in order for them to progress. Early intervention is at the heart of our approach as we believe this enables us to address a child’s individual needs quickly and effectively.
Malden Manor is a mainstream school and have experience in supporting pupils and offering appropriate and supportive interventions and provision for ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Sensory Difficulties & SEMH. We refer to Multi-Agency support for needs which are not listed above when needed, for example Nurses, OT and SALT. Additional Support is also sought from EISS and Early Years Inclusion Support.
We ensure that we use our knowledge of each individual child to set targets so that they move forward in their learning. If a child is identified as having a difficulty in any area, a range of interventions will be put in place to enable them to make progress.
If, following this early intervention, a child requires continued significant support in order to address ongoing need they may be assessed as having a Special Educational Needs (SEN). Families, parents and carers are involved in this process and we believe that working in partnership with parents/carers is vital in meeting each individual child’s needs successfully.
Children with SEN are identified as experiencing a ‘barrier’ to their learning in one of the following areas:
- Cognition and learning
- Communication and interaction
- Social, mental and emotional health
- Sensory and/or physical
When a child is recognised as requiring SEN support, targets and objectives will be set by the class teacher, in consultation with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), monitored and reviewed by the Senior Leadership Team. Sometimes the school may also work with an outside agency, such as the Speech and Language Therapy team or an Educational Psychologist, to support us in this process. A Personal Provision Plan (PPP) or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is produced, detailing personal targets, strategies and intended outcomes, which is shared and reviewed regularly with parents/ carers.
Some children with an identified special educational need may be supported for only one or two terms whilst others may require additional support for some years, or the whole of their school life.
At Malden Manor we are committed to following the DfE Code of Practice (2015) for every child with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). For more information about all aspects of SEND please follow the link to our SEND Information Report - which details provision and practice for special educational needs and disability at Malden Manor.
To view the school's SEND Policy please click here
Please follow these links to view our Accessibility Plan and our Equality and Diversity Policy
If you wish to discuss any aspect of special educational needs provision at Malden Manor please do not hesitate to contact our SEN Co-ordinator - Jenny-Lee Irons – via the School Office.