SEND Information Report
SEND Information Report Malden Manor - 21st September 2023
1. How does Malden Manor know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child /young person (CYP) may have special educational needs?
Your child’s progress and social and emotional wellbeing is continually monitored by his/her class teacher, overseen by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). They will consult with the Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo) about any concerns.
We track the progress and attainment of all our pupils and use tracking data and assessments to identify any additional needs.
The Inclusion Leader/ SENCo checks that your child is making good progress with any additional individual or group work that they take part in.
If a child has already been identified as having a special educational need or disability (SEND) they will have a personal provision plan (PPP) and their progress is reviewed with parents/ carers termly.
The progress of children with an Education Health And Care Plan (EHCP) is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with parents and all adults involved in the child’s education and well-being attending.
We welcome parents/ carers to discuss any concerns they may have about the progress, attainment or well-being of their child. Initially they can speak with the class teacher or SENCo, Headteacher. Meetings requested will be arranged as soon as possible to discuss concerns together.
2. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child needs and what kind of support is available?
All class teachers deliver Quality First inclusive teaching and are responsible and accountable for all the children within their class. If additional support is needed, the class teacher will consult with the Inclusion Leader and if necessary discuss with parents/carers. All interventions are monitored for impact with outcomes defined at the start. This information is shared with Senior Leadership Team and governors.
the class teacher will:
inform parents of any areas where they feel the child may need additional support. The teacher will then put this in place and monitor frequently to gather evidence of the effectiveness of this support and feed this back to the parent.
for children who need specialist support:
the class teacher will meet with Inclusion Leader and further discussions will take place to decide on support if appropriate, Inclusion Leader will make the necessary referrals, after parent consultations, to the necessary agencies such as Educational Psychologist or Speech and Language Therapist. Parents will be kept informed of any referrals made.
tracking progress:
pupil progress is tracked by class teachers, Key Stage Leaders and Senior Leaders and any lack of progress is discussed with consideration of any additional support needed.
support available for children identified with a SEND:
- Additional provision and intervention to support a special educational need can include:
- Quality First Teaching approach to meet the needs of the child
- Class teacher focused, targeted teaching in class
- Adaptation of class work
- Specialist teacher focused intervention 1:1 or in a small group
- Additional support in/out of class to meet a particular need by member of teaching support staff
- Specific group intervention with a small group of children in or out of class
- Specialist groups run by outside agencies or trained staff members (e.g Speech and Language Therapy or Occupational Therapy programmes
- A provision plan details provision in place, outcomes expected, who is providing it & for how long.
- Malden Manor shows the range of interventions in place on a school provision map which identifies all children undertaking interventions. All the intervention programmes we use are tried and tested and known to support children to make increased progress. We monitor the progress of all children receiving additional support to ensure that the provision is having impact.
3. How will the curriculum and resources be matched to my child’s needs?
All teachers differentiate work to meet the needs of all learners. Differentiation may be through resources, groupings, individualised teaching strategies or additional support provided by specialist teachers or Teaching Assistants (TA).
When planning for and teaching in any curriculum area we start from where each child is and aim to build on their existing knowledge and skills.
We personalise support to enable all pupils to make progress from their starting point.
Where there is a need within a particular curriculum area, we will provide a range of additional support programmes to help those pupils who need to ‘catch up’.
Resources for individual support or interventions:
The individual needs of every child is taken into account when considering resources -be it a learning social, emotional, communication, sensory or physical need. Once a need is identified and discussed with all parties the SENCo will source and organise the appropriate intervention and any human or physical resources required to deliver it. . This could be 1:1, in a pair or in a small group.
Adaptions to the Curriculum:
Considerations to Classroom and learning environments are made to best meet the needs of the individual pupils, these may include:
low arousal spaces
quiet intervention rooms (Butterflies)
Zones of regulation displays and resources in every classroom
Visual Timetables in classrooms
Individual visual schedules and reward charts including zones of regulation
Careful consideration to where pupils are seated in the classroom dependent on their VI, Auditory needs and SEN/SEMH needs
Zoned playground arrangements
Mental health monitors on the playground
Nurture playtime in the Butterfly room
Nurture breakfast club before school and Nurture lunch club
Sensory and fiddle toys for individual pupils as necessary
Sensory toolboxes
Adaptions to lessons by the teacher and teaching assistant to meet the pupils needs
Makaton signing to support communication need
Practical Resources:
We match practical resources to support children’s individual needs; this may range from something as simple as a pencil grip to timetabled use of iPads. We endeavour to source resources recommended by outside agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists or Occupational Therapists.
The Headteacher, Governing Body and Business Manager oversee all matters of finance. Decisions re: interventions and support are based on need and are costed and evaluated.
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
- We run parent consultation evenings three times a year where we share attainment, progress and targets. A detailed written report for each child is provided in the summer term.
- Additional meetings to provide information and advice about supporting children can be requested at any time. These will be arranged with class teacher and/ or SENCo as appropriate.
- We deliver parent meetings and workshops on various curriculum areas and supporting children with a range of needs, throughout the year. We warmly encourage parents to attend these meetings which can be very helpful in co-ordinating support, strengthening links between home and school and helping to provide a comprehensive and integrated programme of support for children with SEN.
- Much additional information to help families support their children’s learning can also be found on the school’s website.
- Early SEND identification is shared with parents by the teacher and SENCo as we start the graduated approach of assess, plan, do, review. This would include the SENCo observing the pupil and the teacher setting SMART targets to support the pupil.
- The Local Offer is signposted as parents evenings and in the monthly newsletter.
- If a child has an identified SEND their additional support and progress will be reviewed with parents/ carers each term, and parents of children with an EHCP will also be invited to an annual review together with all professionals involved in their child’s learning. Parents contribute to and receive copies of review notes.
5. How does the school know if its SEND provision is effective?
All pupil progress is closely tracked and monitored through:
- ongoing assessment and observation by class teachers and support staff to ensure small step targets are met
- Four data points throughout the year where children’s attainment is more formally assessed and recorded on the school data system
- Half termly review meetings take place for each class where the class teacher meets with members of the Senior Leadership Team
- Termly analysis of this data takes place, where it is assessed how well we are meeting the needs of different groups of children in areas of learning – by SLT, Inclusion Leader and Curriculum Leaders
- Children who are not making expected progress are identified during the review meetings with the class teacher and Senior Leadership Team. Discussion takes place to assess why any individual children experiencing difficulty and what further support can be given to ensure further progress
Regular monitoring and review of children with SEND will focus on the extent to which planned outcomes have been achieved and targets met. The views of the pupil, parents and class teachers are taken into account during this review process.
Pupils with SEND, together with their parents, have a termly review of their progress against their Provision Plan targets. For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan there will also be an annual review of the provision made for the child, which will enable an evaluation of the effectiveness of the special provision.
All intervention and provision is monitored and an analysis report produced termly by the inclusion Leader, on the effectiveness of this provision. This report is shared with SLT staff and governors.
An overview of the effectiveness of provision across the school is produced on a yearly basis and shared with SLT and governors. This evaluation informs intervention / provision plans for the following academic year.
6. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
All our staff provide pastoral support as the need arises, and pupils are encouraged to talk to any member of staff with whom they feel comfortable.
All pupils are supported with their social and emotional development through our PSHCE (personal, social, health, citizenship and emotional) curriculum, through which we explore our school values. Themes and activities are shared through class lessons, circle times, extended activities, interventions, assemblies and projects.
We use the 'Friends for Life' and 'Fun Friends' - programmes for Key Stages 1 and 2, designed to strengthen resilience and emotional well being and help children deal effectively with challenges in life. This has proven highly popular with the children and successful in achieving these aims.
We also have a range of specific additional programmes, run by specially trained staff, to help support particular aspects of well-being and address emotional needs. These include:
- Two Teaching Assistant trained as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) who work with children identified as benefiting from weekly emotional support sessions.
- These staff members and other members of the support staff are trained to deliver a range of therapeutic programmes such as ‘Draw and Talk’ and 'Lego Therapy'
- We have a dedicate nurture space 'Butterflies' to support emotional well being in a range of place. various activities and interventions take place here as well as being used to support happy playtimes.
- The local Education Inclusion Support Service (EISS) has supported us in developing programmes such as social skills therapies through play, for younger children.
- A range of social skills group sessions, are provided by trained support staff
- We are supported by a range of Local Authority Services in supporting social and emotional well-being, including the Education Welfare Officer, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and the Families Apart organisation (see also section 6)
- An ongoing priority at Malden Manor involves staff developing higher level expertise in supporting emotional health and well-being, through development of a structured approach to supporting pupils with behavioural, learning & emotional literacy. This professional and whole school development opportunity is facilitated by an Educational Psychologist and Counsellor and supports the school’s aim of increasing capacity to offer children specialist support to promote emotional well-being in-school, with longer lasting impact on positive pupil behaviour, emotional health & learning.
- Our Behaviour Policy provides clear guidance on expectations, rewards and sanctions and is fully implemented throughout the school, managed by our Emotional Well-Being Leader who supports staff, groups of children and individuals
- Two lunchtime supervisors lead in ‘productive play’ and run lunchtime nurture groups.
- Our infant and junior school council ensures the views of pupils are heard and actioned upon.
- We work closely with our children’s centres to provide support for families and run a range of programmes, including Family Learning and parenting programmes.
7. What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had (or are having)?
- Part of our in-service training plan each year includes both whole and selected staff training in particular areas of special educational needs. For example specialist training in supporting social communication difficulties and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).
- Our Inclusion Lead has a wealth of experience working with SEND has completed her National SENCO award. Ongoing training and CPD 2023-24 for teaching /support staff include the following areas:
- Safeguarding
- Supporting Social Emotional and Mental Health needs
- Supporting social communication needs in class
- Planning for SEND in the class context
- Continued training for specific staff members - specialist support for children with a range of literacy difficulties
- Staff are regularly updated on matters relating to special educational needs and disability at weekly staff meetings and during in-service training days
- Support staff (teaching assistants -TAs) have regular training, either alongside the teaching staff or training targeted at supporting individuals or groups of children with specific difficulties with whom they work. This training covers a wide range of areas including:
- Speech and Language training
- Makaton training
- Supporting children with Autistic Spectrum conditions
- Occupational Therapy training
- Social communication programme - Socially Thinking
- Therapeutic Stories
- Zones of Regulation training
- LGFL training to enable access to and use of online resources to support interventions
- Positive moving and handling/ de-escalation training
- Mental Health first-aid training
- understanding and managing loss & bereavement training
- First aid
8. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Malden Manor school?
- All teaching staff and support staff receive in-service training to continually enhance their skills and knowledge in Special Educational Needs.
- Some of our staff are trained in specialist areas to support a particular special educational need (see section 7)
- The school works very closely with a range of external agencies, both supporting our work with individual children and providing training to increase expertise in that area.
- These include:
- Educational Psychology Service
- Speech and Language Service
- Health & social Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Family Adolescent and Child Team (FACT)Bereavement service
9. How are children with SEND involved and consulted in their learning journey?
At Malden Manor School we encourage all children to work closely with their teachers in setting their own targets and reviewing their progress. We value each child’s contribution, views and ideas and provide many opportunities for them to express their thoughts and feelings. This happens through many aspects of the curriculum, School Council, Pupil Voice questionnaires and other forums.
When a pupil has been identified as having a special educational need, they will be consulted and involved in the arrangements made for them from the outset. In developing shorter-term targets and longer-term outcomes for their Personal Provision Plan or EHCP, they will be invited to share their views about the ways in which they learn best and what will help them achieve these successfully.
When attending their termly review meetings and annual reviews they are asked how they feel about their progress and if there is anything they think might help them make even better progress.
10. How will Malden Manor prepare and support my child to transfer to a school or the next stage of education and life?
- We recognise that transition, for whatever reason, can produce anxieties and worries for both the families and children where there is a special educational need and aim to offer whatever support is required to ensure transition is as smooth as possible
- If your child is
- moving to or from another school:
- We receive/make contact the school’s SENCo and ensure information is shared regarding any special arrangements or supports that need to be made for your child
- We will ensure that all records about your child are passed on/ received as soon as possible
- moving classes in school:
- Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and in most cases, a planning meeting will take place with the new teacher. All Personal Provision Plans will be shared with the new teacher
- A ‘transition book’ will be made for children who we feel would benefit and visits to the new classroom will be timetabled to help familiarise and reduce anxieties
in Year 6 - moving to Secondary School:
- Our Inclusion Leader/ SENCo attends a local Authority ‘Transition Day’ which provides opportunity to discuss specific needs of any child with a special educational need, with the SENCo and transition/year 7 teacher of the secondary school they will be moving to
- If appropriate, children can take part in a small group within school, to support their understanding of the changes ahead.
- Before transfer, discussion takes place with each child, to find out their views, including what they would like their new schools or new class teacher to know about themselves, what helps them learn and how they would like to be supported
- This may include creating a ‘Communication Passport’ which includes information about themselves for their new school
- Where possible children will visit their new school on several occasions and usually staff from the new school will visit Malden Manor to speak with transferring pupils
- Class teacher and SENCo/ Inclusion Leader will meet or speak with the appropriate professional at the secondary school and pass information needed, to ensure that the child and family have the right support and provision in their new setting
- We realise each child has different needs and recognise that for some a more personalised approach may be needed. We would therefore encourage parents to discuss their views with the Inclusion Leader/SENCo so we can work together to ensure the right support is in place.
11. How accessible is Malden Manor's environment?
- Our Accessibility Plan outlines all provision and plans in place to ensure every effort is made to facilitate reasonable adjustments for accessibility for all.
- The majority of our school is wheelchair accessible and we have toilet facilities for those with a disability.
- We expect all learners to be able to join in with all aspects of the curriculum; including activities outside the classroom.
- Where there are concerns of safety and access, additional arrangements are put in place to ensure that needs are met. We involve parents/ carers in these discussions
- Teachers or TAs trained in first aid accompany all school day and residential trips.
- If a child has a specific need which requires 1:1 support, this will be provided to ensure all children with special needs or disabilities can attend
- We are an inclusive school so aim to ensure no child is excluded or prevented from participating in and enjoying the range of experiences offered at Malden Manor School
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
- We have high expectations of all learners and encourage them all to be able to join in with all aspects of the curriculum; reasonable adjustments to the curriculum and the environment will be made for individual pupils when necessary in order to encourage all pupils to have access to the lessons; including activities outside the classroom. Where there are concerns of safety and access, additional arrangements are put in place to ensure that needs are met. We involve parents/ carers in these discussions.
- A risk assessment is carried out and approved by the Headteacher before any school trip so that the staff and lead teacher have a clear plan of how any potential risks can be managed and overseen.
- Teachers or TAs trained in first aid accompany all school day and residential trips. If a child has a specific need which requires 1:1 support, this will be provided to ensure all children with special needs or disabilities can attend.
- We are an inclusive school so aim to ensure no child is excluded or prevented from participating in and enjoying the range of experiences offered at Malden Manor School
12. How are parents involved in Malden Manor school? How can I be involved?
- At Malden Manor we are firmly committed to a partnership approach with parents/ carers and recognise it as the best way to support a child’s learning and needs.
- We have an open door policy - teachers & other school staff regularly meet with parents to discuss aspects of learning and welfare.
- We welcome all parents and greatly value parental support.
- Some of the many ways in which we encourage parents to become involved in their child’s education and school life include:
- Parent Teacher Association
- Parent Workshops
- Parents’ evenings, class open afternoons, year meetings, class assemblies and events
- Volunteer Parents to support in class
- Parental help for visits and events
- Community Friends – made up of parents and carers, Inclusion Leader and team members, teaching and support staff, Headteacher, community members and parent governors
13. What should I do if I am not happy with any aspect of SEND policy or practice or if I wish to make a complaint
Malden Manor School aims to communicate openly with all parents and fully involve parents and carers of children with SEND in making decisions about the support and provision for their child.
If any parent /carer is unhappy with the education or support that their child is receiving, we encourage that person to talk to the child’s class teacher in the first instance. Alternatively they may wish to speak directly to one of our SENCos, the Inclusion Leader or the Headteacher. Any of these preferences can be arranged through the school office.
Our school aims to be fair, open and honest when dealing with any complaint. We aim to resolve complaints through dialogue and mutual understanding, putting interests of the child at the heart of these dialogues. We hope that any issues can be resolved in this way.
The Complaints Policy outlining procedures for this process is easily accessible on the school website.
Parents may also use the SEN Tribunal to appeal against Local Authority decisions on Statutory Assessments for Education Health and Care Plans.
14. Who can I contact for further information both in school and locally?
in school:
- In the first instance, parents/carers are encouraged to talk to their child’s class teacher.
- SEN Co-ordinator(SENCo) Jenny-Lee Irons is also available to discuss any concerns and can be contacted through the School Office.
- Another staff member Nicola Harvey, our Emotional Well-Being Leader, is happy to talk to you about these aspects of your child's needs
- The Governor with responsibility for SEN is Rachael Lambert, who works closely with the school and the SENCos in developing policy and practice, reporting back to the governing body on SEN matters.
- The Headteacher is also available and can be contacted via the school office.
- We warmly welcome parents/ carers to visit the school to discuss their child’s needs and a visit can be arranged, again through the school office
The Local Authority Offer can be found at www.afclocaloffer.org.uk please click on the link to go to their website.
This website provides a wealth of information about local services and support available for families including children and young people aged 0-25 years with special educational needs or disabilities
SEND Information and Support Service (SENDIASS) is friendly team of local advisors who offer impartial advice and support on all matters relating to Special Educational Needs and/ or Disability.
The type and range of support offered includes:
- support with Education, Health and Care plans, personal budgets person centred planning
- how to use the Local Offer
- support with understanding reports and letters, attending meetings and preparing for assessments and reviews
- information and signposting to support services in your area
- support with transition and preparing for adulthood
- support with and signposting to specialist mediation team
- advice and support on benefits
Follow the link to find out more: https://www.kids.org.uk/richmond-and-kingston-sendiass
KIDS is a national charity providing a wide range of services for disabled children, young people and their families across the country. KIDS vision is a world in which all disabled children and young people realise their aspirations and their right to an inclusive community which supports them and their families
Follow the link to find out more www.kids.org.uk email: richmondandkingston@kids.org.uk