Potential Secondary Schools
In this local area parents are very fortunate that we are served by a wide variety of excellent schools. The children leaving Malden Manor go on to many different schools. As there is no one school we work with many of the secondary schools locally and have good links including opportunities for children to visit schools to learn from staff there, and for staff and sixth formers to work in school here.
We maintain a list of the numbers transferring to each school each year, which is available from the school office, this can also be downloaded by clicking here
Many secondary schools now start the process in the summer of Year 5, and we advise parents to start thinking about schools at least a year before they need to make a decision. We have advice meetings, to supplement those held by the LA and are happy to discuss the process with parents.
Support for Transfer
We work with children to support their preparation for transfer to secondary schools. This includes work in class to allay the usual concerns that arise at this point in a child’s education as well as general advice and skills development to prepare for coping in a bigger environment.
Grammar Schools
Both Kingston and Sutton LAs operate a grammar school system with selection tests early in the final year of primary school. We are not allowed to prepare children for these tests directly, beyond the usual experience of working to a deadline in school.
The Local Authority has a comprehensive booklet of advice and information and their Website is a good source of information. http://www.kingston.gov.uk/info/200222/secondary_schools/381/apply_for_a_secondary_school_place_september_intake