Admission Arrangements
Admission to Nursery
Children start nursery in the September following their 3rd birthday. You can apply for a place once your child is 2 years old. We will need proof of your child's date of birth i.e. birth certificate or passport. If there are spaces available your child will be able to start nursery in either the spring or summer term. Being part of Nursery does not mean a child will automatically become part of the main school as we are not able to give priority and separate application has to be made for Reception.
If you wish to apply for a place at our Nursery please complete the application form
Below is the link to the AFC website, it holds additional useful information for families which may help in your application.
Malden Manor offers both universal funded places (15 hours) and extended hours places (30 hours).
From September 2022 onwards, we will be offering 20 places for universal hours (15 hours) and 16 places for extended hours (30 hours).
Universal funded places are either AM (8.30 - 11.30) or PM (12.30 - 3.30). An admissions list will be kept by the school for parents requesting 15 hours places and these will be offered at the appropriate time in accordance with the local authority admission requirements detailed in the booklet accessed by the link above.
Extended hours places are full time (8.30 - 3.30) which equates to 35 hours a week, 30 hours are funded and the additional 1 hour a day is accessed using our Nursery Lunch Club (11.30 - 12.30) which is chargeable at £5.00 per session plus the option to purchase a hot meal at £2.15 per meal. An admissions list will be kept by the school for parents requesting 30 hours places and these will be offered at the appropriate time in accordance with the local authority admission requirements detailed in the booklet accessed by the link above.
Places will be offered as detailed above and any remaining unfilled spaces for either 30 hours or 15 hours will be offered across the 2 admission lists.
Admission to Start the Reception Year
The main entry time is the start of the academic year in which a child becomes 5. We take children into Reception from the start of the autumn term so that all children have the opportunity to attend school for 3 terms. Full time school is usual after the first few days, but we are happy to discuss and respond to children’s individual needs and children can stay part time if parents would like them to. We strongly believe it should be the provision that is right for the child. This is the main admission time and is handled by the Royal Borough of Kingston LA.
Below is the link to the online primary admission booklet from the AFC website, it holds additional useful information for families which may help in your application.
Please see link below to find out the allocation of Kingston Community Primary school places for the last 3 years:
Admission at Other Times
Families do move into and out of the area, so there may be spaces in other year groups. Again this is handled by the LA, but we are happy to arrange for families to see the school and give support and information – please just telephone or email the school office
Community schools admissions arrangements 2021/22, 2021/20 and 2019/20
The link for Kingston's appeals page is: