Welcome to Malden Manor Primary School

Welcome to Malden Manor, where our aim is to provide an educational experience of the highest quality for all the children in our care. By creating an inclusive and stimulating learning environment, we seek to capture pupils’ interest, extend their knowledge and raise their aspirations. Our teaching and learning is designed to bring learning to life, both in the classroom and through a variety of inspiring experiences in the wider community. In line with our objective of being the best we can be, we encourage children to take an active role in their education, developing the skills they need for independent learning. Parental involvement is vital for children to achieve their best so it is encouraged at every stage of learning.

Malden Manor is a vibrant and welcoming community in which we strive for the highest standards of attainment – whether academic, artistic or sporting. We find and nurture hidden talents, celebrating the strengths of every child.

Our expectations in terms of both learning and behaviour are high and the children respond with delightful enthusiasm, politeness and consideration for others. Our broad curriculum and rich programme of extra-curricular activities – including the popular breakfast and after-school clubs – provide a well-rounded education, supported by excellent pastoral care. Together with my team of dedicated staff and governors, I invite you to visit the school to see for yourself the fantastic opportunities it offers your child.

Katherine Tremain


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Head's Welcome

Year 5

So what happens in Year 5?

Year 5 is a year of growth and change for our young people. Expectations are raised and they are given the opportunity to take on more responsibility - which helps us in making decisions on jobs in Year 6. It also helps begin their preparation for the transition to secondary school.

Here’s what our classrooms look like:-

This is Abidi classroom...


...and this is Renoir's classroom.


You will be learning with Mrs Creaser, Mrs Flitton-Daines and Mrs Scammell.

 year 5 teachers

As you can see from the photos, the Year 5 classrooms look very similar to the rooms in Year 4.

Everyone has their own place to sit, with their own tray under the table for storing their pencil case, reading book and whiteboard and pen. We have a cloakroom with individual pegs, for coats and bags. Each classroom has a book corner with lots of great books to read, and we also have a variety of books and resources to support our learning, including dictionaries, thesauruses and plenty of practical maths resources too.

We have lots of exciting topics to help us learn all sorts of science, history and geography as well as continue to improve our reading, writing and maths. Our topics are: rivers, a local area study, social history of the 20th Century, Ancient Greece and deforestation in the Americas.

In music, you will build on your learning of playing the recorder by moving onto how to play the clarinet. You will be provided with one that you can use for the whole year.

To help with our learning in Year 5 we have some exciting events throughout the year such as a trip to the National Gallery to look at representations of ancient Greek mythology in paintings. We also have themed dress up days for our Greek topic and world book day. You’ll get plenty of notice when the time comes for each of these.

In the second half of the Autumn term, we have a two night residential trip to Sayers Croft. This is a superb experience where we take part in a whole variety of team building and survival skills, as well as conducting a local area study comparing the town of New Malden to the village of Ewhurst.

You can find information about each of our topics on our curriculum map each term.

Some important things to know about Year 5

Please make sure to bring in your water bottle every day, filled with lovely fresh water.

Bring in a healthy snack for morning break such as Fruit to help keep you going until lunch time!

We have PE on Monday and Fridays. It’s easier to just bring your PE kit in and leave it in school but if you do take it home then make sure it’s in class for those days. You can find out what our PE kit consists of by clicking here. Those with long hair, please have your hair tied back on PE days and ensure any earrings are removed or covered.

We read as a whole class every day and would also like you to read at home every day and record what you do in your reading record. Make sure that it comes to school in your Book Bag every morning so we can see what you have been enjoying to read at home. This will mean that your book will be in school ready should you need to change it or if you need to read individually with somebody. 

Your homework will be set via google classroom on a Thursday and it is due back by the following Tuesday. As well as weekly maths you have a Topic Homework overview where there are lots of activities for you to have a go at. Each half term there is a new overview based on our topic.

You will be given spellings on a Thursday to be learnt for the following Thursday, when you will be tested. You will also be tested on your times tables. In Year 5, you are expected to know all your times tables up to 12 x 12! You still have the chance to earn your Times Tables Champion badge too, if you haven’t already earned it. Good luck!

 Year 5 Spring 1



Please click on the links below to find out more about the skills and knowledge your child will be learning.

Art - Drawing and Printing

Art - 3D/Textiles

Art - Painting/Collage


Cooking and Nutrition

Core Curriculum Texts

Design Technology

English - Reading

English - Writing







Phonics and Spelling




Year 5 Autumn 2024-2025
Year 5 Curriculum Meeting 2024-2025
Core Texts for Year 5 2024-2025
Year 5 Spring 1 Overview