Year 4
So what happens in Year 4?
Starting in Year 4 is always exciting as it is the first time the children have classrooms upstairs! It always makes the children feel more independent as they say goodbye to their grown-ups downstairs and then make their way up the stairs to their classroom, settling quickly into the early morning work.
Here’s what our classrooms look like:-
This is Cezanne classroom ...
...and this is Thomas classroom.
You will be learning with Miss Greer and Miss Higginson.
As you can see from the photos, the Year 4 classrooms look very similar to the Year 1 and Year 2 classroom, except we don't have a door out to the playground, just windows instead.
Everyone has their own place to sit, with their own tray under the table for storing their pencil case, reading book and whiteboard and pen. We have a cloakroom with individual pegs, for coats and bags. Each classroom has a book corner with lots of great books to read, and we also have a variety of books and resources to support our learning, including dictionaries, thesauruses and plenty of practical maths resources too.
We have lots of exciting topics to help us learn all sorts of science, history and geography as well as continue to improve our reading, writing and maths. In music, you will learn how to play the recorder and you will be provided with a recorder that you can use for the whole year. You will be able to take this home so you can practice different pieces to perform, working your way through the Recorder Karate awards, all the way to black belt!
We also get to go swimming for a term, and will send details through in plenty of time beforehand, so you know what you need and what to expect. It doesn’t matter if you have never been swimming before, or if you are a confident swimmer, you will get exactly the right teaching for your swimming ability.
To help with our learning in Year 4 we have some exciting events throughout the year such as a local walk to St John’s Church to practise our map reading and geography skills and to see what we can find out about the history of our local area. We also have themed dress up days for our Viking topic and World Book Day. You’ll get plenty of notice when the time comes for each of these.
At the start of the Summer term, we have the Thames Young Mariners trip. This is a superb, one night stay, alongside the River Thames, where we take part in a whole variety of team building and survival skills, as well as learning how to kayak. You even get the chance to jump into the River Thames too! It is great fun and definitely an opportunity not to be missed!
You can find information about each of our topics on our curriculum map each term.
Some important things to know about Year 4
Please make sure to bring in your water bottle every day, filled with lovely fresh water.
Bring in a healthy snack for morning break such as Fruit to help keep you going until lunch time!
We have PE on Tuesdays and Friday. It’s easier to just bring your PE kit in and leave it in school but if you do take it home then make sure it’s in class for those days. You can find out what our PE kit consists of by clicking here. Those with long hair, please have your hair tied back on PE days.
We read as a whole class every day and would also like you to read at home every day and record what you do in your reading record. Make sure that it comes to school in your bag every morning so we can see what you have been enjoying to read at home. This will mean that your book will be in school ready should you need to change it or if you need to read individually with somebody. You will have real books to take home and read as well as all of the books allocated to you on school’s wonderful Bug Club.
Homework are weekly workouts in Maths and English workbooks.
By the end of Year 4, you are expected to know all your times tables up to 12 x 12! You have the chance to earn your Times Tables Champion badge too, if you haven’t already earned it. Good luck!
Please click on the links below to find out more about the skills and knowledge your child will be learning.