Year 3
So what happens in Year 3?
Year 3 is the beginning of Key Stage 2 so a bit of a change from year 2.
Here’s what our classrooms look like.
This is Picasso classroom ...
...and this is Kahlo classroom.
You will be learning with Mrs Rickards and Mr Gibbons.
We have a book corner and still use lots of practical resources. You will have your own space with your own tray under the table for keeping your pencil case, whiteboard and reading book in.
We have lots of exciting topics to help us learn all sorts of science, history and geography as well as continue to improve our reading, writing and maths.
To help with our learning in Year 3 we have some exciting events throughout the year such as a visit to Wisley for our science. We have themed dress up days for our Egyptian topic and world book day. You’ll get plenty of notice when the time comes for each of these.
Some important things to know about Year 3
Please make sure to bring in your water bottle every day, filled with lovely fresh water.
Bring in a healthy snack for morning break such as Fruit to help keep you going until lunch time!
We have PE on Mondays and Wednesday days. It’s easier to just bring your PE kit in and leave it in school but if you do take it home then make sure it’s in class for those days. You can find out what our PE kit consists of by clicking here. If you have long hair this should be tied back.
We read as a whole class every day and would also like you to read at home every day and record what you do in your reading record. Make sure that it comes to school in your Book Bag every morning so we can see what you have been enjoying reading at home. This will mean that your book will be in school ready should you need to change it or if you need to read individually with somebody.
Your homework will be set via google classroom on a Thursday and it is due back by the following Tuesday. For maths and english you will be given weekly workout workbooks.
By the end of Year 3, you are expected to know the 2,3,4,5, 8 and 10 times tables. You can practice them using the websites suggested on the google classroom.
Click on the image to find out more about our learning
Please click on the links below to find out more about the skills and knowledge your child will be learning.