Year 2
So what happens in Year 2?
In Year 2 our learning is a bit more formal than in Year 1 and children are expected to work more independently.
Here’s what our classrooms look like.
This is O'Keeffe Classroom ...
...and this is Matisse Classroom.
And these are the teachers and teaching assistants who you’ll be learning with: Mrs Green, Miss Smith and Mrs Taimuri.
A picture of Mrs Green and Miss Smith below:
We have lots of exciting topics throughout the year related to science, history and geography such as the Victorians, Space, Transport, Animals, Seaside and Jamaica. We also continue to improve our reading, writing and maths.
To help with our learning in Year 2 we have some special days throughout the year such as a themed dress up day for our Victorians topic where you will get to experience what it would be like to be a school pupil in the Victorian times. You’ll get plenty of notice when the time comes for each of these.
Some important things to know about Year 2
Please make sure to bring in your water bottle every day.
Fruit is provided daily but you may also bring in fruit to eat at playtime each day if there is something you particularly enjoy.
PE classes will take place on Thursday and Friday, please ensure your child has their PE Kit with them in school everyday.
Try to read at home every evening and bring your reading record into school every day.
Your homework will be uploaded onto the Google Classroom on a Thursday and it is due back by the following Tuesday.
There is weekly maths and english homework to do which are completed in the books.
Each half term there is a new overview based on our topic.
To find out more click on the image.
Please click on the links below to find out more about the skills and knowledge your child will be learning.