Year 1
What happens in Year 1?
Year 1 is the beginning of Key Stage 1, so it’s a bit of a change from Reception which is still part of Early Years. In Year 1 we still believe there should be a balance of learning through play and we take pride in providing the children with lots of creative opportunities. In Year 1 we develop children’s reading and writing skills and help develop the children into becoming independent and resilient learners.
Here’s what our classrooms look like. They’re not very different are they?
This is Da Vinci classroom ...
...and this is Butler classroom.
The teachers and support staff who you’ll be learning with in Year 1 are: Mrs Bradley, Ms Mulcahy, Miss Edwards, Mrs Park and Miss Rosser.
A picture of MMiss Edwards, Ms Mulcahy and Mrs Bradley below:
We still have role play areas that we update every half term to match our topic. In our classrooms you will also find a writing table, a creative area, a book corner and an outdoor space that we use for lots of learning activities.
We have lots of exciting topics to help us learn all sorts of science, history and geography as well as continuing to improve our reading, writing and maths. Our
6 topics are: Through the Keyhole, Into the Woods, Polar Explorers, Superheroes, Jungle and Rainforest Animals and British Adventures.
To help with our learning in Year 1 we have some exciting events throughout the year such as a walk around our local area, a trip to Chessington Zoo and a royal afternoon tea. We also have a Superhero dress up day to link with our topic. You’ll get plenty of notice through Parent Mail when the time comes for each of these.
You can find information about each of our topics on our curriculum map each term.
Some important things to know about Year 1
Please make sure to bring in your water bottle every day, filled with lovely fresh water.
Fruit is provided daily but you may also bring in fruit to eat at playtime each day if there is something you particularly enjoy.
We have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school with them everyday.
Girls, please have your hair tied back on PE days.
It would be brilliant if all of the children were able to dress and undress themselves independently, including doing up their own shoes.
We do reading every day and so you need to make sure that your Reading Record comes to school in your Book Bag every morning. That way it will always be ready should you need to change it or if you need to read individually with somebody. Make sure your grown up writes in your Reading Record every evening when you read to them at home.
Your homework will be given out on a Thursday and it is due back by the following Tuesday. As well as weekly maths you have a Themed Homework overview where there are lots of activities for you to have a go at. Each half term there is a new overview based on our topic.
Please click on the links below to find out more about the skills and knowledge your child will be learning.