Remote Learning
We aim to ensure that there is alignment as far as possible between face-to-face and remote education, so that, should pupils need to self-isolate, they can transition smoothly back into the classroom having followed the same curriculum sequence and content as their in-school peers.
If a child is ill, we would not expect them to complete remote learning. With rest, they are more likely to have a speedy recovery and be able to return to school more quickly.
Our online education platform is Google Classroom for Years 1-6 and Tapestry for Nursery and Reception.
For Google Classroom pupils are able to access this resource using their school username and password.
Nursery and Reception parents should access Tapestry on behalf of their children.
If your child is unable to access the internet for any reason, please make your child’s class teacher aware.
Please click here for further information on Remote Education Provision: information for parents.