So what happens in . . . Nursery?
This may be your first experience of an Early Years setting. We aim to provide a fun, engaging and stimulating experience for all our children by learning through play.
We have two Nursery classes, so you will either attend the morning or the afternoon session. We also accept 30 Hours funding, so some children will stay all day. The children are able to choose to play and learn inside and outside everyday. We have a large outdoor area, with some covered spaces, so you can explore outside, whatever the weather!
Here’s what the Nursery classroom looks like....
...and here is our outdoor area, just for the Nursery children!
The teacher in nursery is Miss Gray and the teaching assistants are Miss Hammond, Miss Waters and Mrs Palmer.
Our curriculum follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. There are 7 areas of learning which all of our activities and topics are planned around. The areas of learning are: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. The top priority in Nursery, are the Prime Areas, which are Personal, Social, Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development.
There are a range of activities on offer each day, including mark making, maths activities, creative activities, construction, role play and ‘Funky Fingers’ activities such as playdough, threading and cutting activities. We also encourage the children to select their own resources, so you might like to play with the train set on the carpet, or choose a puzzle or game to play.
We explore different themes and topics throughout the year, which may include Space, under the sea, traditional tales, people who help us etc. We also like to take part in lots of fun events such as Pirate Dress Up Day and World Book Day.
Some important things to know about Nursery
During their time in Nursery, we encourage the children to be independent and learn to put on their own coat, wash their hands and use the toilet by themselves, when they are ready.
Please bring in a named water bottle every day, filled with plain water.
Fruit and milk are also provided daily which we share during snack times, in the morning and afternoon.
You will also need a book bag and a separate bag with spare clothes in (this can be kept in school.) If you wear nappies, please also bring a supply of nappies and wipes in your bag. We encourage and support toilet training, once the children are ready.
The children can borrow a story book each week, to share at home. Please make sure your Reading Record and story book are returned to school every Friday.
We look forward to welcoming you into Nursery.