Why is homework given?
Homework supports the development of independent learning skills, and provides parents with an opportunity to take part in their children’s education.
An organised homework programme helps children to gain skills and build resilience, which will benefit them throughout their schooling and as an adult.
Homework at Malden Manor
For Year 1-6 there is a weekly maths activity that is completed in a workbook. This reminds children of maths concepts that they have already learnt. Children are expected to read regularly and complete comprehension activities on Bug Club online
Usually the maths will be given out on a Thursday it should be returned the following Tuesday.
Homework is NOT given for the holidays with the exception of Reception and Year 6 who might, at times, send work for the holidays as specific revision tasks.
We expect all children to complete the Homework set each week. In practice, there will of course be times when this does not happen, perhaps because of other family commitments at that time.
However, if a child frequently does not complete homework, the class teacher will discuss the situation with parents. The class teacher may ask the child to complete it during their free time within school.
Children should read at home DAILY.
This can be shared reading with a grown up or independent reading as the child’s reading skills improve.
Suggested time allocations:
Guidelines only
- Nursery 5 minutes sharing a book with a reader daily
- Reception 10 minutes daily reading and 15 minutes Homework tasks per week
- Year 1- 10 minutes daily reading and 20 minutes Homework tasks per week
- Year 2 and 3- 15 minutes daily reading and 30 minutes Homework tasks per week
- Year 4, 5 and 6- 20 minutes daily reading
What we’d like our parents to do at home
• Show that you value homework and encourage your children to also see the value in it
• Encourage pride in presentation of all work
• Please don’t worry – you do not need any specialist knowledge. Your child has been taught the skills needed to complete the homework
• Write a note on the homework if your child has tried but has not finished in a reasonable time
• Contact the class teacher via the school office if you have any questions or problems