GB Terms of Reference
The Governing Body has a strategic role, challenges and supports the school, is accountable for its decisions. It should set aims and objectives and agree, monitor and review policies, targets and priorities.
Role of the Full Governing Body
The role of the governing body includes a strong focus on the following core strategic functions — (Governance Handbook October 2020) -
a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
b. Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
c. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
d. Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard.
Terms of Reference for the FGB
- To agree constitutional matters*, including procedures where the Governing Body has discretion
- To consider whether or not to exercise delegation of functions to individuals or committees*
- To seek to fill vacancies as they arise and to appoint new governors** where it is possible for the governing body to do this, e.g., Co-opted governors
- To hold at least three Governing Body meetings a year*
- To appoint or remove the Chair and Vice Chair*
- To appoint or remove a Clerk to the Governing Body*
- To establish the committees of the Governing Body plus their Terms of Reference and membership*
- To ensure every Governor attends Induction training within six months of appointment, plus additional development courses during each academic year.
- To ensure that at least three Governors are appointed and trained to complete the Head Teacher’s Performance Management. *
- To appoint the Chair of any committee.
- To appoint or remove a Clerk to each committee*
- To suspend or remove a governor*
- To decide which functions of the Governing Body will be delegated to committees, groups and individuals, and review these annually*
- To receive reports from any individual or committee to whom a decision has been delegated and to consider whether any further action by the Governing Body is necessary*
- To keep school policies and practice under review and to make revisions where appropriate - To approve policies not delegated to a committee or the headteacher.
- To take overall responsibility for the School Development Plan*
- To take overall responsibility for the SEF (Self Evaluation Form) *
- To take overall responsibility for the Governors Development Plan and Risk Register.
- To monitor the School Risk Assessment.
- To ensure that the school has effective safeguarding policies and procedures, meeting statutory guidance published in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’.
- To delegate responsibilities to Sub Committees as appropriate, including approval of policies through the annual scheme of delegation.
- To decide on how the school’s delegated budget should be spent, in accordance with the SDP and the statutory curriculum requirements laid down by government.
- To agree the level of virements to be considered by FGB and take decisions above that level as needed
- To decide whether to delegate their powers to spend the delegated budget to the Head teacher and if so to establish the financial limits of delegated authority.
- To set financial priorities through the School Development Plan (SDP), the annual budget and the Three-Year Financial Plan
- To approve the first formal budget plan of the financial year.
- To approve the annual SFVS Documentation for submission to the LA.
- To determine virement and expenditure thresholds.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of spending decisions.
- To be consulted by the Local Authority (LA) on significant changes to the LA’s fair funding policy.
- To determine the staff complement and a pay policy for the school (in accordance with School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions).
- To establish a written performance management policy to govern staff appraisal, after making sure that all staff have been consulted.
- To establish a charging policy for the supply of goods and services.
- To establish and maintain a register of relevant business interests of governors and staff who influence financial decisions. This should be open to examination by governors, staff, parents and the LA.
- To publish relevant business interests on the school website in line with statutory requirements from 1 September 2015.
- To ensure that financial duties of staff are clearly described to avoid potential conflicts.
- To decide, after careful consideration, whether or not to insure risks not covered by the LA.
- To define extent of Finance Sub Committee delegated authority
- To ensure it receives minutes of the committee’s meetings (Copies made available to all Governors through Google Drive).
- To be alert to the potential for error, fraud or misappropriation of funds and immediately follow the school’s agreed whistle blowing policy and Anti-Fraud Bribery and Corruption Policy where any concerns or uncertainty arises.
- To ensure that statutory information, as set down by regulations effective from 1 September 2012, is published on the school website and updated when changes occur.
- To review and approve the Governors Code of Conduct and AUP and Governors Allowances policy.
* NB * these matters cannot be delegated to either a committee or an individual
* Membership – as per the Instrument of Government dated 23 March 2015
* **Qualification and Disqualification – as per School Governance (Constitution) (England) 2012, Regulation 17 of Schedule 4.
Approved by FGB – 26 September 2022