Finance, Premises & Personnel Committee
To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development Plan, Governors Development Plan and Risk Register which fall within the committee’s remit.
Financial Areas
- To determine and review financial policy including consideration of long-term planning and resourcing.
- In consultation with the Headteacher, to draft/recommend the annual budget spending plan to FGB, ensuring it is consistent with and supports the School Development Plan priorities.
- To act as advisers and consultants to the governing body on financial issues.
- To be familiar with the Local Authority budget spending plans, formula funding structure and policies for financial delegation.
- To monitor the school budget expenditure (including specific purpose grants) with reference to criteria for receipt of the grant and the annual spending plan. To make reports at least once a term to the governing body.
- To ensure that the school has the required Finance and GDPR related Policies and procedures in place and that these are communicated to all relevant staff.
- To authorise virements from one area of budget spending to another in order to respond to unexpected expenditure needs up to an agreed limit approved by the governing body.
- To agree the level of delegation to the Headteacher for the day-to-day financial management of the school
- To review the school’s charging and remission policy on an annual basis and make recommendations to the governing body.
- To monitor school fund expenditure and ensure the audit of school funds for presentation to the governing body
- To receive and, where appropriate respond to periodic audit reports. To agree a detailed action plan with evidence of regular monitoring where appropriate.
- To ensure that a register of business interests is maintained for all Governors, Senior Leadership Team and Finance Staff.
- To ensure the schools’ compliance with the DFE Schools Financial Values Standard. To review the documentation as required, agree an action plan and timetable for any remedial action.
- To oversee the financial planning of Extended Services at Malden Manor.
- To review, monitor and approve the Governors Allowances scheme under delegation.
- To review benchmarking data on an annual basis. (SFVS)
- To monitor and review the three-year budget plan annually.
Premises Areas
Premises, Grounds and Environment
- To provide support and guidance for the Headteacher on all matters relating to the school premises and grounds, security, Health and Safety.
- Annually to ensure inspection of the premises and grounds and prepare a statement of priorities for maintenance and development linked to the School Development Plan to support delivery of a first-class curriculum.
- To propose and approve the costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs and decoration within the budget allocation.
- To oversee the preparation of and to monitor premises services contracts (e.g., fuel/water, cleansing, grounds maintenance)
- To work in liaison with the Health and Safety Committee to ensure the school premises meet health and safety requirements. To receive termly reports from the Health and Safety Committee
- To ensure that governors’ responsibilities are discharged regarding litter under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
- To review and approve the lettings and charging policy annually as delegated by the GB.
- To contribute towards an Accessibility Plan, with review every three years minimum.
- To consider how the use of the school premises may contribute to the development of Extended School/Children’s Centre provision.
- To ensure the school has an effective Risk Management strategy, including appropriate documented procedures, and regularly monitor and review the schools compliance with those procedures.
- To ensure that there is relevant training and guidance for the Site Manager/Caretaker and/or key staff liaising with building contractors.
- To consider sustainability in relation to school premises, grounds maintenance and repairs, and when awarding contracts for school improvements and additional facilities.
- To ensure that an appropriate inventory is maintained and to approve the disposal of inventory items.
- To monitor and review the Emergency Plan annually.
Personnel Areas
1. To be aware of legal requirements and procedures relating to personnel issues.
2. To ensure that all staffing policies and procedures contribute to achieving the best outcomes for children.
3. To ensure the staffing structure, retention and succession planning is sufficiently flexible to deliver the School Development plan objectives.
4. To review the Shadow Staffing Structure termly.
5. To monitor progress on any key issues in the School Development Plan, Governors Development Plan and Risk Register which fall within the Committee’s remit, at least termly.
6. To monitor Continued Professional Development for all staff and its contribution to school improvement.
7. To review annually the school’s Appraisal policies.
8. To decide on procedures for staff appointments excluding Heads.
9. To ensure that safe recruitment procedures are in place for all staff and volunteers working in the school, including those involved in extended school activities.
10. To be involved in the development of all of the school’s policies relating to personnel matters, including:
- Staff consultation
- Code of conduct
- Pay (through the Pay Panel*)
- Discretionary Leave of absence
- Capability
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Recruitment, Selection and Staff Retention plus Succession Planning
- Continuing Professional Development and Appraisals.
- Discipline and Grievance
- Staffing reduction procedures
- Equalities Scheme/Policy, aspects related to Staff - liaise with CPP
- Whistleblowing
- Group size of the school (to be reviewed at least once every three years)
- To approve, or recommend them for approval by the governing body, in line with the policies scheme of delegation and to ensure that systems are in place to make all staff aware of these policies.
11. To annually review the current staffing structure and workforce development plan.
12. To draft criteria for the approval of the governing body about the use of discretionary elements of pay provisions and make recommendations about implementing them.
13. To be consulted on and to approve job descriptions for the staff.
14. To be responsible for reviewing the Headteacher’s job description should the need arise.
15. To liaise with the finance committee in implementing the current School Development Plan in staffing matters.
16. To ensure that all staff are able to maintain an appropriate Work-Life Balance
*To recommend a Pay Panel comprised of a minimum of three Governors, which includes the Chair of Governors and/or the Vice Chair of Governors. The Pay Panel will be appointed annually by FGB.
Travel Plan
- Monitoring and review of the School Travel Plan
Risk Register
To monitor and review the allocated sections of the Risk Register termly and report back to the FGB.
Membership of Finance and Premises Committee
The Headteacher
The School Business Manager
At least four Governors of Malden Manor Primary School who are not members of staff (three present to form a quorum)
Frequency of Meetings: A minimum of one meeting per term.
Approved by FGB 26 September 2022