Curriculum Parents and Partnership Committee
Curriculum Pupils and Partnerships Committee - Terms of Reference
1) To be aware of and advise the governing body on the legal responsibilities of governors in terms of Curriculum provision and assessment including Special Educational Needs provision in accordance with the Code of Practice.
2) Ensure pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum
3) To contribute to the development of the school development plan and Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) and School Website. To review as necessary an overall Curriculum Policy Statement for presentation to the governing body.
4) To monitor progress on any key objectives in the School Development Plan and the Governors Development Plan which fall within the committee’s remit.
5) To monitor and review pastoral arrangements to ensure the school delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the ethos of the school and the requirements of the National Curriculum and promote positive outcomes for all pupils. To monitor on behalf of the governing body that National Curriculum requirements and changes are being implemented by the school
6) To agree statutory targets for pupil attainment and non-statutory targets to be included in the School Development Plan.
7) Monitor and review in-year progress for all year groups and all groups of pupils with reference to local and national benchmark information.
8) To monitor, support and review the progress of vulnerable groups of children, e.g.
- Black and Ethnic Minority Children
- Free School Meals Children (Including Pupil Premium)
- Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children
- Additional Needs Children
- Gypsy and Traveller children
- Young Carers
- Lowest 20% Children
9) To support and challenge Curriculum provision through receiving reports from Curriculum Link Governors and Subject Leaders e.g.
- Special Educational Needs
- Literacy/Numeracy
- Other areas of the curriculum.
- Pupil Premium
- Inclusion Team
- Sports Premium
- British Values /Our Values
10) To monitor and at least termly review the school's safeguarding arrangements, and related policies, making recommendations to the Governing Body.
11) To ensure the promotion of healthy lifestyles including healthy eating, consumption of water and appropriate education and information on health related issues.
12) To ensure that there are effective and enforceable policies on Safeguarding and child protection, bullying and racial issues and that all pupils have confidence that these issues will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
13) To ensure that as far as possible school is a place of positive experience and enjoyment for pupils and that the Rewards system reflects this.
14) To ensure that spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural development is promoted for all pupils
15) To monitor how the school listens to the Voice of the Child in the development of teaching and learning.
16) To ensure that pupils develop their understanding of their rights and responsibilities and have appropriate opportunities to make a positive contribution to the local community.
17) To ensure pupils have opportunities to help them achieve future economic well being, understand career options and acquire workplace skills.
18) To consider curriculum issues which have implications for finance and personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the governing body.
19) To make arrangements for the governing body to be represented at school improvement discussions with the local authority and for reports to be received by the governing body.
20) To ensure arrangements for educational visits follow the guidance available from the local authority.
21) Monitor and review policies related to pastoral issues, parents, school uniform and extended school arrangements. To consider and review the school’s Curriculum policies on behalf of the governing body (including Religious Education), and to make recommendations to the governing body with regard to their content and implementation
22) To oversee the development and maintenance of relationships with parents/carers, the community and other stakeholders.
23) To monitor the effectiveness of the school’s complaints policy and procedures.
24) To monitor parental/community involvement in the school and to make recommendations about the development of future links.
25) To approve and monitor plans for the development of Extended Schools activities
26) To evaluate and review the provision of extended school services.
27) To encourage the support and involvement of business and industry.
28) To review, publish and monitor the Equalities Scheme/Policy - liaise with Personnel Committee
29) To review the sections of the Risk Register, as delegated to the committee by FGB.
The Head Teacher
At least 4 Governors of Malden Manor Primary School who are not members of staff (three present to be Quorate)
At least one Governor who is also a member of Staff (Staff or Co-opted category)
Associate Members – Deputy Head
Meeting Schedule
A minimum of one meeting per term
Approved by FGB 26 September 2022