5 Year Vision
Strategic 5 Year Vision
The governing body, alongside the SLT at Malden Manor have been developing a 5 year strategic vision. We have been thinking about what our aspirations are for the whole school community. We have based this vision around the school values (Achievement, High Standards, Happiness, Safety and Respect) and our mission statement:
“At Malden Manor we seek to instil a love of learning. Children learn that difference and diversity are valued and welcomed. We endeavour to offer an educational experience which develops the whole child and enables them to be the best that they can be. Our values are at the heart of all that we do and we aim to forge strong links with families and the wider community.”
The vision contains 3 key areas: High Quality Teaching and Learning, A range of quality experiences across the curriculum for pupils and Financial stability with improving grounds and premises
We will use this vision to develop and support the School Development Plan, which also contains a governance section. The vision and our strategic plan are working documents which will be reviewed and modified as necessary.
Please see PDF below for more information or click on image.