Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
Pupil Premium is a grant allocated to schools to support socially disadvantaged pupils. Pupil Premium is not allocated to individual students and is not an individual entitlement. Pupil Premium Grant is calculated according to the number of children in the school eligible for Free School Meals over the last 6 years, with the purpose of ensuring all pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially. Schools decide how Pupil Premium funding is spent, because they are best placed to assess what additional provision and initiatives should be put in place to ensure maximum progress for each of the pupils within their care, so that each fulfils their achievement potential.
Pupil Premium at Malden Manor
At Malden Manor Primary School, we have a significant number of children who are entitled to Free School Meals For this financial year - 2024-25, Malden Manor’s Pupil Premium funding allocation is £136,160.
Pupil Premium funding at Malden Manor is used primarily to support accelerated progress for our pupils through planning and delivery of a range of enhanced and personalised learning experiences. Impact of Pupil Premium initiatives is closely monitored, with detailed analysis used to inform priorities for each year’s expenditure.
Pupil Premium funding is used to support key areas and these are the intended outcomes:
- Improved oral language skills and vocabulary among disadvantaged pupils
- Improved reading attainment through QFT phonics teaching among disadvantaged pupils
- To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing and self esteem for all pupils in our school, particularly our disadvantaged pupils
- To achieve and sustain improved attendance and engagement particularly within our disadvantaged pupils
Families with household incomes of less than £16,190.00 and those in receipt of certain benefits may be entitled to FSM and reductions on the cost of school trips. The school also benefits from Pupil Premium funding for all eligible pupils.
To apply, either click here or contact Kingston Council on 020 8547 5004 with your National Insurance number to find out if you can claim. Individual requests for financial support for school-based activities for eligible pupils are considered by the Senior Leadership Team. Requests can be made via the school office. Even if your child does not want a hot school meal, there are still benefits from making an application.
Please click here for the school's strategy
- Welcome from the Head Teacher
- Ofsted Report
- School Performance Tables
- Results
- Financial Information
- Pupil Premium
- Policies
- Public Sector Equality
- Newsletter
- PE & Sports Grants
- Full School Calendar
- KS2 Carol Concert (Sports Hall) 2.15pm
- PTA Christmas Discos
- Choir Sing at John Lewis Kingston 11am
- School Christmas Lunch
- KS1 Christmas Performance (Sports Hall) 9.15am
- KS1 Christmas Performance (Sports Hall) 2.15pm
- Reception Performance (Sports Hall) 2.15pm
- Nursery Christmas Performances (Nursery Building) 10.45am & 2.45pm
- Reception Christmas Performance (Sports Hall) 9.30am
- School finishes for Christmas at 2.30pm
- Year 6 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Children return to school
- Year 5 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Year 4 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Year 2 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Year 1 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Reception Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Year 3 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Parent Consultation Evening
- Parent Consultation Evening
- PTA Easter Disco
- Terms Ends at 2.30pm for Easter
- Children return back to school
- Easter Holidays
- May Day - School Closed
- Half Term - School Closed
- INSET DAY - School Closed
- Academy Meeting - 7.30pm Sports Hall
- School finishes at 2.30pm for summer holidays
- Nursery and Twinkle Twos children finish for summer
- Nursery and Twinkle Twos finish for Easter
- Book Week
- World Book Day
- Science Week
- Easter Hat Parade - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
- Easter Egg Assembly - Year 3, 4, 5 and 6
- Class Photos
- Year 5 Cake Sale - 3.20pm Playground
- Reception Cake Sale 3.30pm
- Year 6 SATs Week
- Year 6 Residential
- Whole School Mufti Day
- PTA Krispy Kreme Sale
- PTA Quiz Night
- School Council Cake Sale
- Sports Day
- PTA Mufti Day
- School Council Book Donation Day
- Eid Celebrations in the playground
- Year 4 Cluster Concert - The Rose Theatre
- Festival of Choirs - The Rose Theatre
- PTA Crazy Hair Day
- Year 6 Production for parents
- Year 6 Leavers Assembly for parents
- Year 6 Leavers Disco
- First Day Back for Years 1 -6
- Reception start - stay until 12midday
- Half Term
- Nasal Flu Immunisation
- Key Stage 2 Curriculum Meeting - Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 3.30pm
- Key Stage 1 Curriculum Meeting - Years 1 & 2 3.30pm
- Year 6 Bikeability
- Morning, Lunchtime and After School Clubs Start
- Individual/Sibling Photos
- PTA Spooky Disco
- Parent Consultation Evening 3.50pm - 7.00pm
- Parent Consultation Evening 3.50pm - 7.00pm
- Children return to school
- PTA Fireworks Night
- PTA AGM Meeting - 7.30pm
- Reception Open Morning - Prospective Pupils September 2020
- Reception Open Afternoon - Prospective Pupils September 2020
- Year 5 Sayers Croft
- Year 4 Kidzania
- PTA Krispy Kreme and Christmas Jumper Sale
- After School Clubs Finish
- PTA Christmas Disco
- Twinkle Twos and Nursery Finish for Christmas
- 30 hours children finish at 12.30 for Christmas
- School finishes at 2.30pm for Christmas
- School closed for Christmas holidays
- INSET Day - School Closed
- Children return back to school
- Reception Curriculum Meeting - 3.45pm
- Harvest Festival 9.15am - Reception, Year 1 & 2
- Harvest Festival 9.45am - Years 3, 4, 5 & 6
- Twinkle Twos and Nursery Extra Parent Consultation 12.30-3.30pm
- Odd Sock Day
- Carol Concert at St John the Baptist Church 7pm
- KS2 Carol Concert - 2.15pm Sports Hall
- Christmas Lunch
- KS1 Christmas Performance - 9.15am Sports Hall
- KS1 Christmas Performance - 2.15pm Sports Hall
- Reception Christmas Performance - 2.15pm Sports Hall
- Nursery Christmas Performance - 10.45am and 2.45pm Nursery Building
- Reception Christmas Performance - 9.30am Sports Hall
- Christingle Event in Playground 3.20pm
- School finishes for Christmas at 2.30pm
- School finishes for Christmas at 2.30pm
- Nursery Open Morning for Prospective Pupils September 2020 - 9.30am
- Nursery Open Afternoon for prospective pupils September 2020 - 1.30pm
- School finishes for Christmas at 2.30pm
- Year 6 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Year 5 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Year 4 Malden and Coombe Cluster @ The Rose Theatre
- Half Term
- PTA Krispy Kreme Sale
- Year 3 Egyptian Day
- Easter Holidays
- Parent Consultation Evening 3.50pm - 7.00pm
- Parent Consulation Evening 3.50pm - 7.00pm
- Extra Nursery Parent Consultation Afternoon/Evening 12.30-3.30pm
- PTA Film Night
- Pancake Day Dessert Menu
- World Book Day
- Year 1 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- Year 2 Assembly - 2.45pm Sports Hall
- PTA Easter Disco
- Clubs finish for Easter
- Twinkle Twos and Nursery finish for Easter
- 30 hour nursery children finish at 12.30pm for Easter
- School finishes at 2.30pm for Easter
- School returns from Easter Holidays
- Half Term
- INSET Day - School Closed
- Nursery AM/PM and Twinkle Twos finish for Christmas
- Year 2 and Year 3 Curriculum Meetings 4.00pm
- Year 5 and 6 Curriculum Meetings 4.00pm
- Year 1 and 4 Curriculum Meetings 4.00pm
- Special Menu
- Children return back to school
- Nasal Flu Immunisation
- INSET DAY - School Closed
- Children return after Christmas Break
- Half Term
- Half Term
- Year 3 Trip to Wisley
- Year 6 PGL - Marchants Hill
- INSET Day - School Closed
- Children return to school
- Twinkle Twos and Nursery AM/PM finish for summer
- Nursery 30 hours and main school finish for summer
- INSET DAY - School Closed
- Children return back to school
- Half Term
- Finish at 2.30pm for Christmas Nursery 30 hours, Reception and Year 1-6
- Sayers Croft
- Year 5 Ewhurst Village
- Year 6 Pre Mock SATS
- Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
- Nursery AM and PM finish for Christmas
- INSET Day School Closed
- All children return back to school
- Christmas Holidays
- Half Term
- Easter Holidays
- Half Term
- INSET DAY School Closed
- Nursery AM and PM finish for Summer
- Finish for Summer Holidays - Nursery 30 hours, Reception and Years 1-6
- Carol Service at St John the Baptist Church
- Spring Term Clubs Start
- Spring Term Clubs Finish
- Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Easter Assembly 9.15am
- Years 3 - 6 Easter Assembly 9.15am
- New Calendar Event
- End of Summer Term 2024
- Our Shared Values
- Catch Up Funding
- Our Staff
- Lettings