Welcome to Malden Manor Primary School

Welcome to Malden Manor, where our aim is to provide an educational experience of the highest quality for all the children in our care. By creating an inclusive and stimulating learning environment, we seek to capture pupils’ interest, extend their knowledge and raise their aspirations. Our teaching and learning is designed to bring learning to life, both in the classroom and through a variety of inspiring experiences in the wider community. In line with our objective of being the best we can be, we encourage children to take an active role in their education, developing the skills they need for independent learning. Parental involvement is vital for children to achieve their best so it is encouraged at every stage of learning.

Malden Manor is a vibrant and welcoming community in which we strive for the highest standards of attainment – whether academic, artistic or sporting. We find and nurture hidden talents, celebrating the strengths of every child.

Our expectations in terms of both learning and behaviour are high and the children respond with delightful enthusiasm, politeness and consideration for others. Our broad curriculum and rich programme of extra-curricular activities – including the popular breakfast and after-school clubs – provide a well-rounded education, supported by excellent pastoral care. Together with my team of dedicated staff and governors, I invite you to visit the school to see for yourself the fantastic opportunities it offers your child.

Katherine Tremain


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Head's Welcome

Public Sector Equality

Public Sector Equality Duty

The general equality duty sets out the equality matters that schools need to consider when making decisions that affect pupils or staff with different protected characteristics. This duty has three elements. In carrying out their functions public bodies are required to have ‘due regard’ when making decisions and developing policies, to the need to:

1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

3. Foster good relations across all protected characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

The protected characteristic under the act covers the groups listed below:
-Race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin;
-Sex (including transgender);
-Gender reassignment;
-Maternity and pregnancy;
-Religion and belief;
-Sexual orientation; and
-Marriage and civil partnership (for employees).

Equality Objectives 2021-2024

• To diminish the difference in attainment and progress of different groups of pupils

Attainment and progress gaps between groups of pupils are diminished. Pupils groups are performing within 10% of the cohort average
SDP priority
PPG strategy

• To help children learn that difference and diversity are valued and welcomed

Jigsaw PSHCE scheme is used in all year groups
Resources and displays in the school are reflective of our diverse school
Number of racist incidents continues to be very small
Children are respectful of their difference

• To provide additional support for vulnerable pupils who are at risk of underachieving in particular children affected by the covid pandemic

EWB team established to support vulnerable pupils
PPG strategy
Covid catch up plan

• To make sure that success in school is not dependent upon being able bodied, belonging to any particular culture, gender, social class, sexual orientation, family circumstance or majority group

Half termly pupil meetings show needs of pupils are being met
Accessibility plan meets the needs of the school community
PPG and catch up funding is used to support pupils who need it/ can attend extracurricular clubs

• To make sure every adult in school is able to fulfil their role without hindrance and with every support and assistance.

Clear job descriptions and regular meetings with team leaders. Staff appraisal shows targets being met
