Welcome to Malden Manor Primary School

Welcome to Malden Manor, where our aim is to provide an educational experience of the highest quality for all the children in our care. By creating an inclusive and stimulating learning environment, we seek to capture pupils’ interest, extend their knowledge and raise their aspirations. Our teaching and learning is designed to bring learning to life, both in the classroom and through a variety of inspiring experiences in the wider community. In line with our objective of being the best we can be, we encourage children to take an active role in their education, developing the skills they need for independent learning. Parental involvement is vital for children to achieve their best so it is encouraged at every stage of learning.

Malden Manor is a vibrant and welcoming community in which we strive for the highest standards of attainment – whether academic, artistic or sporting. We find and nurture hidden talents, celebrating the strengths of every child.

Our expectations in terms of both learning and behaviour are high and the children respond with delightful enthusiasm, politeness and consideration for others. Our broad curriculum and rich programme of extra-curricular activities – including the popular breakfast and after-school clubs – provide a well-rounded education, supported by excellent pastoral care. Together with my team of dedicated staff and governors, I invite you to visit the school to see for yourself the fantastic opportunities it offers your child.

Katherine Tremain


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Head's Welcome

Our Shared Values

At Malden Manor Primary School, we take our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain seriously. We ensure that fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived through our ethos, shared values and unity of the school. High standards, achievement, happiness, respect and safety are our ideals that contribute to the development of our children. All curriculum areas provide an opportunity for furthering understanding of our values. In particular, lessons in RE, Humanities, SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop this understanding.
Our school makes extensive efforts to ensure our children have exposure to a wide and rich experience within and beyond their local community. Opportunities such as sporting events, visits to different places of worship and residential trips offer experiences children can hugely benefit from both during and beyond their primary school years.

The school teaches the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs across the PSHCE and RE curriculum. Please click on the link below to see the additional opportunities we offer.

British Values across the curriculum

